[dt_fancy_title title=”LUCAS’S LIST #markgunterphotoawards 2020″ title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”title”]

Feature image: Marc O’Leary | other photography as credited

You might be surprised to learn that despite Lucas only being 15 months when Mark died, Lucas has a deep understanding of who Mark was and how he lived his life. I’m a super proud Mum of Lucas — he’s growing into himself as a kind and caring little human.

Last year — Lucas asked me if he could do his list. I thought it was a great idea — and so ‘Lucas’s List’ was born. This year, he is back to do it again.

There are a lot of images to look through for a 6 year old — especially when it’s school holidays and lots of other fun things to do!!! But he did it. He scoured all the images, and then cut back his list — just like the real judges do. I’m a very proud Mum, and just so happy that Lucas is part of what is his Dad’s legacy.

Thank you Lucas — for showing us your list, and for delighting us with what interests you and showing us your keen eye for some great photos.

We hope you all enjoy seeing Lucas’s choices, and they inspire you to keep going with your passion.

Lucas & Leeanne

Cover image as described by Lucas; “it looks like lava (….but really it’s the sunrise)”. And captioned by the photographer; “The contrast in this picture really stood out to me with the vibrant sunrise popping out from the ominous clouds and the fresh centerline paint drawing your eye past the dark silhouette of a rider in an all black kit.” Marc O’Leary @olearymarc40

[dt_button el_class=”Kristof Ramon’s Shortlist” link=”/kristof-ramons-shortlist-2020-mark-gunter-photographer-of-the-year-awards”]Kristof Ramon’s Shortlist[/dt_button][dt_button el_class=”Tim Bardsley-Smith’s Shortlist” link=”/tim-bardsley-smiths-shortlist-2020-mark-gunter-photographer-of-the-year-awards”]Tim Bardsley-Smith’s Shortlist[/dt_button]
[dt_button el_class=”Jered & Ashley Gruber’s Shortlist” link=”/jered-and-ashley-grubers-shortlist-2020-mark-gunter-photographer-of-the-year-awards”]Jered & Ashley Gruber’s Shortlist[/dt_button][dt_button el_class=”Graham Watson’s Choice” link=”/graham-watsons-choice-2020-mark-gunter-photographer-of-the-year-awards”]Graham Watson’s Choice[/dt_button]
[dt_fancy_title title=”PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY” title_align=”left” title_size=”h3″ title_color=”accent”]
1. Pro Joris Knapen

“The rider presentation during Gent Wevelgem. The riders had to ride true the 1 world war memorial, for al those brave solders whom gave their live so we can live in peace. It was a heroic sight to see, like, if the riders are solders going to war. It gave me goose-bumps.” Joris Knappen @jorisknapen_studioknapen

2. Pro Alex Broadway

“Mikhail Shemetau of Belarus rides during the Men’s Individual Pursuit Qualifying at the 2020 Track Cycling World Championships held in Berlin, Germany.” Alex Broadway @_alexbroadway_

3. Pro Dario Belingheri (2)

“A view of the riders in the middle of the lava rocks climbing to the top of volcano Etna during the Giro d’Italia 2020.” Dario Belingheri  @dariobelingheri

4. Pro Eloise Mavian

“This year was my first Paris stage of the Tour de France and I was very excited. In this shot, I was focused on the contrast between light and shadows and I particularly liked how this made the Cofidis rider Pierre-Luc Périchon stand out. I know choosing a vertical shot is not so common in a competition but I think it helps to appreciate the magnificence of the statues of the Arc de Triomphe.” Eloise Mavian @eloisemavian

5. Pro Eugine Kim

“The peloton leaves Matera at the start of stage 9 of the 2020 Giro d’Italia.” Eugene Kim @yourjeansoneugene

6. Pro Javier Martinez de la Puente

“The dark year 2020 reflected in a photograph. There is light at the end of the tunnel.” Javier Martínez de la Puente @zubikophoto

7. Pro Jean-Pierre Ronco

“2020 IN MOTION: Like the motion of a high speed peloton in Melbourne’s street during the 2020 Herald Sun Tour, the year 2020 has rushed into our life in a very different way. Sometimes, we felt like the crowd, immobile, trap in time during weeks of lockdown. Sometimes, we felt like the riders running to a better and clearer future.” Jean-Pierre Ronco @imagewriterphotography

8. Pro Nassos Triantafyllou (1)

“Filippo Ganna (ITA) moments after claiming his first rainbow jersey of the year (Individual Pursuit), during day 3 of the UCI Track Cycling world championships in Berlin, Germany. Didi the Devil was there of course.” Nassos Triantafyllou @nassostphoto

9. Pro Tammy Brimmer

“I was so excited about the 2020 race season and was just as disappointed as the racers when COVID-19 restrictions led to cancelled races and events. The lifesaver for many of us was Project Echelon who worked with local race organizers in the US to replicate popular stage race events in a virtual platform. I became their in-race photographer. This is one of my screen captures inside RGT Cycling during the RGT Real Roads Stage Race in November.” Tammy Brimmer @tlbvelo

10. Pro Dario Belingheri

“A view of the Frecce Tricolori flying over the peloton at the start of the stage from Rivolto-Base during the Giro d’Italia 2020.” Dario Belingheri @dariobelingheri

[dt_fancy_title title=”AMATEUR CATEGORY” title_align=”left” title_size=”h3″ title_color=”accent”]

Choosing ten was just too hard for Lucas — so this year he’s been “allowed” to choose 15!!!

2. Tom Glendining 359

“This pic was taken when me and two friends rode the South Downs Way, a 100 mile off-road route from Winchester to Eastbourne. I took my beloved Yashica T3…I stored the camera in the top tube bag along with a half eaten protein bar. After some pretty rocky, bone shaking descents I pulled the camera out to take this snap only to find that the bar had disintegrated and had filled every part of the camera…..this was its last frame …ever. Quite a cool ending to a cameras life.” Tom Glendining @tom_glendining

3. Amateur Wojciech Wentland 573

“Polish fans dressed as Hussars at the Polish Cyclocross Cycling Championships.” Wojciech Wentland

4. Amateur Ron Short 377

“I often ride just to catch the sun rise. I always find it inspiring. I hope this self portrait can inspire others.” Ron Short @shortcycles

5. Amateur Marco Loman 56

“Velodrome training on the open velodrome of the Wielercentrumnoord in Assen, every monday evening there were courses for enthousiast cyclist who wanted to learn the art of the Velodrome.” Marco Loman @lomanmarco

6. Amateur Michael Rapattoni 623

“This represents 2020 for me. Set in a beautiful Perth sunset, @ezznolan team member of LifelineWA is the bright beacon in a year where we as humans have been tested by mother nature. There is so much great work done by some great people in these challenging times. True beauty of our human spirit.” Michael Rapattoni @micky.raps

7. Amateur Daniel Gossow 157

“Took this while in Florida. Just north of Daytona beach.” Daniel Gossow @Dangossow

8. Amateur Lian Lee 518

“2020 was a challenge on many levels. It also showed there is still a lot to gain when it comes to inclusivity in our sport of cycling. But hope comes from within: projects like @TeamAmani and the upcoming @MigrationGravelRace in Kenya are working hard to opening up this beautiful sport through creating more race opportunities for East African riders.” Lian van Leeuwen @saltlake_lian

9. Amateur Remi McManus 631

“A smoky night in the Idaho Mountains.” Remi McManus @r_adventurist

10. Amateur Robin Moore

Beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Country under lockdown, with restricted exercise hours, hoping for some light at the end of a ‘dark tunnel’.” Robin Moore @Pedal_journal

10. Amateur Ryan Lu 107

Because of social restrictions this year, cycling became my main source of exercise and a way to escape the “office” part of my home office. After finishing a ride on this particular day, I stopped by the park to catch the sunset. I joined (socially distanced) others who had already gathered there and we all silently enjoyed the last few minutes of daylight.” Ryan Lu @ryseattle

11. Amateur Toby Chillis 128

After riding throughout the night and battling severe downpours and unrelenting winds we arrived at the foot of the infamous Stwlan Dam. Storm Ellen continued to punish us without mercy but her attempt at ruining a beautiful climb failed, as if anything it became more atmospheric than I’d ever known it and the journey was became ever more rewarding.” Toby Chillis @tobychillis

12. Amateur Daniel Stones 2

Melbourne Lockdown 2.0 – 1 hour of exercise a day within 5km. This photo shows that even in the most trying of times you can find something of beauty and hope.” Daniel Stone @__danstone__

11. Amateur Casey Cesari 105

“Taken at sunrise in Scarborough Marsh, Maine, USA during a weekly small CX group ride. One of a couple things that helped get me through 2020.” Casey Cesari @caseycesari

16. Amateur Shannon Rooney 593

Morning rides in Covid times meant trying to see our local spots from a new perspective, in lieu of traveling to new destinations. This park features a figure 8 bridge, which we ended up at right at dawn, letting us see this old haunt in a new light.” Shannon Rooney @shannoroo

For more information on the #markgunterphotoawards2020 check out CyclingTips.