Feature image: Marc O’Leary | other photography as credited
You might be surprised to learn that despite Lucas only being 15 months when Mark died, Lucas has a deep understanding of who Mark was and how he lived his life. I’m a super proud Mum of Lucas — he’s growing into himself as a kind and caring little human.
Last year — Lucas asked me if he could do his list. I thought it was a great idea — and so ‘Lucas’s List’ was born. This year, he is back to do it again.
There are a lot of images to look through for a 6 year old — especially when it’s school holidays and lots of other fun things to do!!! But he did it. He scoured all the images, and then cut back his list — just like the real judges do. I’m a very proud Mum, and just so happy that Lucas is part of what is his Dad’s legacy.
Thank you Lucas — for showing us your list, and for delighting us with what interests you and showing us your keen eye for some great photos.
We hope you all enjoy seeing Lucas’s choices, and they inspire you to keep going with your passion.
Lucas & Leeanne
Cover image as described by Lucas; “it looks like lava (….but really it’s the sunrise)”. And captioned by the photographer; “The contrast in this picture really stood out to me with the vibrant sunrise popping out from the ominous clouds and the fresh centerline paint drawing your eye past the dark silhouette of a rider in an all black kit.” Marc O’Leary @olearymarc40
Choosing ten was just too hard for Lucas — so this year he’s been “allowed” to choose 15!!!
For more information on the #markgunterphotoawards2020 check out CyclingTips.