[Image by Wouter Roosenboom, 1st Prize Professional category, 2016]

The inaugural Mark Gunter Photographer of the Year Awards held in late 2016 were a success of all fronts.

We were captured by the myriad of over 1,200 images from photographers all over the world.  Entries poured in from over 30 countries, into all three categories; Professional, DLSR, and Smartphone / Action Cam. Thank you to every single one of you for making that happen.

And the best part – all the money raised through the Awards was donated to help cure oesophageal cancer and help Young Cyclists, and help Lucas Gunter (Mark’s 2 year old son) with his future education.

We have our judges to thank for trawling through the images and creating their shortlists. At judging time, Graham Watson, Kristof Ramon and Jered & Ashley Gruber painstakingly deliberated over every photo to select the winners.

Our winners were thrilled with the prizes they took home, including a Tour de France trip from BikeStyle Tours, a Specialized Allez DSW Road Bike, with the Professional category awarded the accolade in the form of a trophy and medallions.

See last years winners here!

A big thank you to CyclingTips editor Wade Wallace for working with me to launch the inaugural Awards.  I’m so proud to be Mark’s wife and am so fortunate to build a legacy for Mark’s work and passion for cycling photography live on.